Of Death
(Fake Punk)
My name is Moniek
I'm riding on my bike
There's a car behind my ass
Which I just don't like
So I make a clear gesture
That the driver's not my type
Dioxin baby
with your puppy fluffy face
come on you meany teeny
pull off your gass mask
Hop on my wheel chair
Let's vomit together
breath the stupid air
(guitar solo)
My name is Moniek
I'm actually quite chic
I find it very hard to smile
In a situation
like this
`Cause there's one thing
I just don't understa-a-a-a-and
Why you cough into my face
Like a tubercular patient
Dioxin baby
With your fluffy puppy Face
come on you meany teeny
(Organ) Mid Town Metallic Monster
Hop on my wheel chair
pull off your gass mask
Get out of that car
Voor Creap Attraction van
Ingeborg Houwen

True Love
(Campfire Song)
You need a prostitute
Not me
I need a prostitute
Not you
So let's be prostitutes
To each other
And be happy
Till the end of time
You give me money
Which I return
I give you money
Which you return
All this
for the sake of true
bedoo oho
You need a prostitute
Not me
I need a prostitute
Not you
So let's be prostitutes
Leave our worry's behind
You need me
I need you
You pay me
I pay you
Squeeze me hold me tie me faster
Prostitute Prostitute Prostitute
(Thank you)
Voor Creap Attraction van
Ingeborg Houwen

I hate art
(pop rock)
My father told me
When I was a little girl....
Art makes you fart
It's this traffic in air
That we just can't bare
If you wanna be smart
Don't do art
Art is air
Life is a strife
for a good mood
which is good
If you wanna enjoy
Don't love art
Love life
Say it
Voor Creap Attraction van
Ingeborg Houwen